PingPlotter Cloud Manual

Linux Agent

The Pingplotter Cloud Linux Agent is compatible with most apt-get and yum distributions. It is installed from the Terminal by adding the PingPlotter Agent respository, installing the agent, and then connecting the agent to your Cloud account. It does not have a GUI and can be installed as a service if desired.

These packages should be installed on:

  • Intel/Amd (x64)
  • Armhf (32 bit - AMR32v7 - raspberry pi 2 or better)
  • Arm64

Please contact us if you need other architectures or distros.

If the agent fails to run correctly, you may be missing some other dependencies. The most common is icu - you may need to install it. The PingPlotter Agent is based on dotnet core 5. You can check the packages dependencies list for the dotnet core 5 runtime here.

You'll need to create an Agent in your Cloud account before proceeding.

Once your agent has been created, copy its Auto Link and paste it in between the parantheses on the final line. This is found by clicking on your Agent's name in the Agent list, then Deploy in the right-panel. Click on Auto Link to copy it to your clipboard.

Install on apt-get Linux Distributions

These instructions are for Linux machines running OSes such as Debian, Ubuntu, or RaspberryPi OS.

echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pingplotter.agent
sudo /opt/pingplotter.agent/PingPlotter.Agent -c "paste Auto Link here"

Install on yum Linux Distributions

These instructions are for Linux machines running OSes such as CentOS 7+, RHEL, or Rocky.

echo "[pingman]" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/pingman.repo
echo "name=Pingman Private Repo" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/pingman.repo
echo "baseurl=" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/pingman.repo
echo "enabled=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/pingman.repo
echo "gpgcheck=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/pingman.repo
sudo yum update
sudo yum install pingplotter.agent
sudo /opt/pingplotter.agent/PingPlotter.Agent -c "paste Auto Link here"

Install as a Service

Be sure to first close your running PingPlotter agent by pressing Ctl + C in yor open Terminal session.

sudo /opt/pingplotter.agent/scripts/install-service


Update the Agent

sudo (apt-get or yum) update
sudo (apt-get or yum) install pingplotter.agent
sudo systemctl restart pingplotter.agent


Other useful information

  • PingPlotter is installed at /opt/pingplotter.agent
  • Data is stored at /var/lib/pingplotter.agent
  • If you have any issues and want to see error messages, look in /var/lib/pingplotter.agent/Logs
  • Additional debugging information is available with: sudo journalctl -ru pingplotter.agent.service
  • To stop/start/restart the service, use: sudo systemctl (command) pingplotter.agent
  • Uninstalling can be done via: sudo (apt-get or yum) remove pingplotter.agent (Please note this will not remove the service)
  • Remove the service with: sudo systemctl disable pingplotter.agent && sudo rm /lib/systemd/system/pingplotter.agent.service