Illustration of two suspects holding cards labeled 'home internet' and 'service outage'

Identify the REAL Guilty Party of Internet Issues

PingPlotter constantly monitors internet connections for a remote law firm, so you know instantly if there’s a problem. You will be able to troubleshoot thousands of computers from one central dashboard — so you can fix issues faster, reduce internet downtime, and get the evidence you need to prove the source of the problem.

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“It’s hard to argue with people who argue for a living. PingPlotter gives my team the data and a leg to stand on.”

Timothy R. QuiggDirector of Technology at Levenfeld Pearlstein

Illustration of PingPlotter identifying an internet problem

Reduce Downtime

Internet downtime can cost a law firm hundreds of dollars an hour. Especially if it gets between remote attorneys and their billable hours. By monitoring your internet connections ALL of the time, PingPlotter helps you find and fix problems quickly — and with less guesswork. A faster response leads to a faster resolution, reducing internet downtime.

Learn how a Chicago law firm reduced internet downtime →

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Hear how Levenfeld Pearlstein uses PingPlotter to keep attorneys online.

Build your Case

PingPlotter delivers the data you need to communicate the source of internet issues clearly. LiveShare shows remote attorneys (or upper firm management) the source of those problems in real-time to inspire a solution — and foster better conversations.

Illustration of a PingPlotter user solving a remote internet problem

Evaluate WFH Connections

With PingPlotter, you can test work-from-home internet connections before issues even begin. Deploying PingPlotter means remote attorneys are equipped and ready to work with a few clicks.

Join Caroline Hill of Legal IT Insider as she ventures on a PingPlotter demo →


Get the big picture

Quality Monitor lets you see the connection quality for hundreds of remote workers on a single dashboard, identifying which devices need attention in real-time.


Prove it

Show remote attorneys and firm management the source of network problems as they happen with LiveShare.


Ask your assistant

Our troubleshooting assistant, Insights, automatically detects potential problems, ranks them in order of severity and suggests how to resolve them.


Roll it out in a flash

Install PingPlotter on hundreds of remote computers in a few hours. So much better than creating and deploying agents individually.


Fix it quicker

PingPlotter Alerts will instantly notify you when an internet connection on your network starts to experience issues — before your end-users even notice.


We got you!

Our Support Team can help you with deployment, interpreting PingPlotter results, and walk you through all of those PingPlotter features. Just email us at

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